Relationships without Dominance
Operating from a perspective of cooperation vs. domination, the Tellington TTouch Method provides a safe environment for an animal to learn new behavior and heal from traumas or injuries in the absence of fear or pain. Based on our compassion and love for our animals, we can develop deeper connections through a series of gentle touches.
The TTouch method originated when Linda Tellington-Jones, accomplished horsewoman and riding instructor, was inspired by her study of the Feldenkrais Method of Awareness through Movement. Applying this knowledge to horses, she developed the Tellington Touch Equine Awareness Method or TTEAM. Seeing the need for a program for companion animals, in 1994 the first certification program for small animals called TTACT (Tellington Touch Animal Companion Training) began. The work is now know as Tellington TTouch Training. |
How it works
TTouch works on the nervous system through the skin. Through a combination of circular touches, lifts and strokes on the animal's body, an increased state of relaxation and awareness is induced. With this increased focus and attentiveness, the animal is ready to receive new information about itself and its environment, which help to shift behavior and promote healing.
With the additional help of tools, such as the "wand" and "body wrap", we help your animal become more connected to parts of its body that have lost feeling or sensitivity. Improving awareness improves both physical and mental balance. The confidence course or the "Playground for Higher Learning" adds one more dimension. Obstacles, such as the labyrinth, are traversed slowly teaching focus, balance and alert relaxation. Building on this new sense of their body the animals have fun while going over obstacles. |
Benefits : Health Behavior Performance
The first and most important response to TTouch is relaxation or calmness. Reducing stress allows the animals to be present and healthy. Using various TTouches that address particular parts of the body, you can bring your pet out of shock, aid your horse with the symptoms of colic while waiting for your veterinarian, stimulate healing of injuries, new or old, and more.**
When the body is relaxed, the mind is more clear. In the absence of fear or pain, learning is enhanced. With the a relaxed body and the mind at ease, we find the TTouches can release old traumas, nervous behavior and aggression. Dogs that were timid, become more social. Horses that were hard to catch, come to meet you at the gate. With a clear, alert, mind and a relaxed body, animals are open to additional methods of training. They become balanced both mentally and physically, they stay focused and attentive to the task before them, and most rewarding is the trust they develop that deepens their bond and relationship with you. ** While the overall well being of your animals can be greatly enhanced with TTouch, remember TTouch is not a replacement for veterinary care. |
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